Main concepts Archives - Deepriver Blog about sport shooting Thu, 16 May 2024 13:51:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Main concepts Archives - Deepriver 32 32 What are the types of sport shooting Wed, 20 Sep 2023 13:44:00 +0000 Depending on the type of weapon, distance to the target and the format of the competition, there are the following types of sport shooting

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Depending on the type of weapon, distance to the target and the format of the competition, there are the following types of sport shooting

  • Bullet shooting – shooting with rifled or pneumatic weapons at targets in a shooting range;
  • benchrest shooting – shooting with smoothbore weapons at moving targets, such as plates;
  • Sporting – a type of benchrest shooting when shooting is performed at moving targets in the air and on the ground;
  • practical – shooting is carried out with firearms at various targets (paper, metal drops, metal plates).

Modern sport shooting is regulated by the International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) and national federations of each country. In addition, since 1896, sport shooting has been an Olympic sport.

How to learn sport shooting

You can learn sport shooting at special courses. Classes are held in a shooting range or at a training ground by experienced instructors. On average, one lesson lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

First of all, the courses teach safety rules. The instructors show how to hold a weapon, load it, and handle it in a way that does not harm anyone. Next, the basic elements of sport shooting are taught: correct posture, stance, breathing control, and aiming techniques.

An important component of training is regularity. You need to train systematically, gradually increasing the distance to the target and the complexity of the exercises. Once you have achieved certain skills, you should try your hand at competitions. This way, you can gain valuable experience and advice from more experienced shooters.

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Women in Olympic shooting Fri, 18 Aug 2023 13:41:00 +0000 Margaret Thompson Murdoch's silver victory at the 1976 Games in three positions made her the first ever shooter to win an Olympic medal.

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Margaret Thompson Murdoch’s silver victory at the 1976 Games in three positions made her the first ever shooter to win an Olympic medal. The event was open, meaning that men and women competed against each other.

Murdock’s success preceded the introduction of three separate events for women at the 1984 Los Angeles Games: women’s air rifle, women’s three-position rifle, and sporting pistol. That year, American women’s air rifle shooter Pat Spergin became the first ever shooter to win Olympic gold. Ruby Fox (pistol) and Wanda Jewell (rifle) also won medals for the United States that year.

Since 1984, the number of female participants has increased dramatically, and now the number of women is growing twice as fast as men. Separate air pistol events for men and women were added to the 1988 Seoul Games. And for the first time in history, a women’s smoothbore shooting event, double trap, would join the Olympic program in 1996.

US International Shooting Hall of Fame

Few people know this, but American shooters have won more Olympic gold medals than athletes in all sports except track and field and swimming. The U.S. International Shooting Hall of Fame is designed to give the athletes who started this powerful dynasty the recognition they deserve.

“These are people who really made a mark on the history of shooting, people who knew how to win and did it consistently,” said USST Director Lones Wigger. “Membership in the Hall of Fame is the greatest tribute we can pay today for yesterday’s achievements.”

Those inducted before and after 1948 are reviewed annually by the NRA’s International Competition Committee and the living Hall of Fame. Shooters are eligible for induction into the Hall five years after their final international competition.

To be elected, 75 percent of the ballots must be cast. In each category, if no candidate receives 75 percent of the votes, the highest vote-getter is inducted into the Hall of Fame.

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The history of Olympic shooting Tue, 11 Jul 2023 13:38:00 +0000 In 1896, the French nobleman Baron Pierre de Coubertin organized the first modern nine-sport Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.

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In 1896, the French nobleman Baron Pierre de Coubertin organized the first modern nine-sport Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. As a former French pistol champion, de Coubertin supported the inclusion of four pistol and two high-powered shooting events in the Olympic program.

Since then, shooting competitions have been part of all but the 1904 St. Louis Games and the 1928 Amsterdam Games. Individual and team competitions were held until 1948, when UIT canceled the team competition.

The number of shooting events at the Olympic Games ranges from two at the 1932 Los Angeles Games to 21 events in Antwerp in 1920. The 1996 Games will feature 15 events in rifle, pistol, running target and shotgun. Atlanta.

Participation has been steadily increasing over the years. While only four countries competed in shooting in 1896, 83 countries took to the firing line in Barcelona in 1992. In fact, shooting has traditionally attracted the third largest number of countries participating in any sport at the Olympics.

Among the top U.S. shooters in early Olympic competition were pistol shooter Alfred Lane and rifle star Morris Fisher. In 1912 and 1920, each man won five gold medals in individual and team events.

The dominance of the former Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations began in 1952 when they developed rigorous, scientifically based training systems. However, their dynasty was interrupted in the mid-1960s by the most powerful U.S. shooting team in history: Gary Anderson, Lenny Basham, Jack Foster, Margaret Thompson Murdock, Lance Wigger Jr. and Jack Reiter. Their coach was Colonel Bill Pullum, who later played an important role in shaping the modern concept of the national/developmental team.

With 44 Olympic gold medals, the U.S. shooters are the third most gold medal-winning team in the history of U.S. Olympic sports. Only 13 shooters in history have won two gold medals in individual Olympic events, and four of them are Americans: Gary Anderson (1964, 1968), Morris Fisher (1920, 1924), Alfred Lane (1912) and Lonesome Wigger Jr. (1964, 1972).

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History of shooting sports Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:32:00 +0000 Formal archery, arrow and javelin shooting was originally used as military training, but Homer's Iliad indicates that the Greeks also held archery competitions

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Formal archery, arrow and javelin shooting was originally used as military training, but Homer’s Iliad indicates that the Greeks also held archery competitions, shooting pigeons on high poles in honor of the gods. Indians, Persians, Slavs, Celts, and Germans were engaged in similar activities.

By the tenth century, shooting had become a social and recreational sport. The Swiss hero William Tell, who is considered the ancestor of the great shooters, was honored in the 14th century after he successfully shot an apple from his son’s head. A tyrannical Austrian bailiff forced Tell to use a crossbow to accomplish the legendary feat.

The first shooting clubs

The first shooting clubs were established by German-speaking peoples in the 13th and 14th centuries. Membership was limited to men only. At first, they shot bows and muskets standing up, but by the 16th century, firearms with rifled barrels were used in public matches. The early club competitions were festive one-shot matches in which elaborately painted wooden targets were fired. Matches and shooting festivals for one or more clubs were regularly held on New Year’s Day, religious holidays, and other special occasions. Gold and cash prizes were often awarded.

Shooting traditions in America

German and Swiss gunsmiths in Pennsylvania began making flintlock rifles suitable for use on the American frontier around 1710. Since defense against Indians and hunting for food were vital concerns, frontiersmen soon began “target practice” to hone their skills. The mark was usually a knot in a tree or an “x” marked on a wooden slab.

The first forms of competition in this country were “shotgun entertainment” or “turkey shooting” where prizes were beef, turkey, or other dishes. The matches were typically fired with a single shot from a distance of 250-330 feet from a standing or resting shooting position. Between 1790 and 1800, the first match rifles were developed, which had barrels 38 to 40 inches in diameter, double triggers, and sights similar to those used on European weapons.

Shooting accuracy improved when in 1825 master marksmen began using new percussion capsules. Soon after, official match shooting began, and competitions in all parts of the country were attended by shooters and spectators. A match in Glendale Park, New York, in the 1880s attracted more than 600 shooters and 30,000 spectators in just one day. A shooting festival in 1898 at the same location offered $25,000 in cash prizes.

Trap shooting with live pigeons began in the United States around 1825, with the first recorded match in Cincinnati, Ohio, six years later. The Americans led the way in developing artificial targets for trap competitions – first glass balls with feathers, then clay targets. Among the most prominent trapshooters of the 19th century were Adam Bogardus, Ira Payne, and “Annie” Oakley. During a one-day exhibition, Bogardus once broke 5681 glass balls before missing, and Oakley once shot 4772 out of 5000 glass balls fired from 15-yard traps.

The first recorded pistol duel was a match in 1860 between two men shooting nine-inch china plates from 100 feet away. The winner won 11 out of 15. In 1865, WF “Buffalo Bill” Cody started shooting with pistols, which greatly contributed to the popularization of the sport.

Skeet originated between 1910 and 1915 as an attempt to imitate the shooting of mountain game. Initially, participants shot “around the clock” around a full circle of shooting spots. This format was later changed to the modern semicircle, with targets thrown from high and low buildings on both sides of the field.

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