Archery competitions stipulate that only block or classical archery designs are used.

It is the latter that are used at the Olympic Games. However, it should be noted that block archery is more stable. But the block modification is used more for entertainment and sports competitions. But the bow itself is not enough for the competition, you also need a training setup:

Archery competitions imply that only block or classic bow designs are used.

It is the latter that are used at the Olympic Games. However, it should be noted that block archery is more stable. But the block modification is used more for entertainment and sports competitions. But the bow itself is not enough for the competition, you also need: accessories for the bow

  • sports arrows are a complex design with a tip, shank, feathers and shaft, which guarantees the most stable behavior in flight;
  • release is a specially designed accessory that is used to mechanically grip the loop;
  • a stabilizer that is attached to the bottom of the bow handle and increases the level of control when making a shot.

It is highly recommended to use special clothing to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the shot. Traditionally, the list of equipment includes: a bib, a quiver, closed shoes, a cap and, of course, an archery glove to protect your fingers.

What are the benefits of archery?

It should be noted that archery is gaining in popularity for a variety of reasons.

For example, it has a positive effect on physical fitness and health. Archery has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the shoulders, back and abs. This helps to form the correct posture.

The need to concentrate on targets located at different distances will help improve vision. To shoot, you need to control your breathing, so the bronchi and lungs are strengthened. There are no age or gender restrictions. Archery is a sport that is open to absolutely everyone. And you can continue your career for a long time.

Obviously, archery is an interesting sport and hobby that cannot leave women and men indifferent. At the same time, our online store has made sure that archery is becoming more and more accessible. Here you can buy block and classic types of bows, as well as various accessories. We are always happy to advise you on any questions you may have.